" Opinion: This Is The Most Confusing Bible Verse I've Ever Seen, Here's What It Says - Flavourway


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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Opinion: This Is The Most Confusing Bible Verse I've Ever Seen, Here's What It Says

 Even though I know that I am a Christian and I go to church but not often because my background, my mother is a Christian while my father a muslim.

I truly desire to know the Bible more but sometimes I find some things contradicting and not clear in the Bible so I decide to come to this platform mainly to look for clarification on the passage I came across.


For instance see this two passages of the Bible: proverbs 12:22 and 1kings 22:23.





The Bible is of course the word of God and used or profitable for teaching and correcting someone who also believes in the Bible and it's principles.

But then, I saw a particular passage of the Bible that I decided to share sir as to have some enlightening by people who probably know the Bible more than I do. Check the Bible very below:




From the passage of the scripture above, the finger is pointing at Leviticus 18:22 which says "thou shalt not lie with man-kind, as with womankind: it is an abomination".

I seem to understand this passage from two points of view:

1. From my own understanding, it's like the Bible is not so much against lieing to one another if the way it's done to a man is different from the way it's done to a woman.

2. secondly, if it's talking about imorality, to me it means if you want to lie with a man (having carnal knowledge), it should not be the same way you'll have it with another woman.

Please if you are knowledgeable about the Bible, you can help by explaining it to me on the comment section below.

However, if you are not so sure of what the Bible mean on this, you can please share this post with someone to get feedback.

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