" Read What A Close Relative Posted About Comedian Ada Jesus - Flavourway


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Monday, April 26, 2021

Read What A Close Relative Posted About Comedian Ada Jesus


Just this afternoon I stumbled on a thread on one of the major social media Platform that got me wondering how comedienne ada jesus actually lived her life that led to her too soon death. read and share your thoughts. I wish you a smooth transition, my little niece MIMI, till we meet again, I remember how I brought you to lagos, took you to the island and connected you to your dreams with the Help of God, but fame took u away from my care and custody, I became helpless when u took the wrong turn & refused to hear the voices & admonitions of MEN, i tried to redeem u from the hands & control of dark vibrations till I loose grip of u totally.

I watched in horror how the darks ones execute their agenda of destruction on u, even when I go as far as calling u on phone to warn u back in 2015, your usual answer was "uncle don't worry I know what am doing" your mum and brothers tried all they could to call u to order but to no avail.

Though we all have our flaws as human and there's limit to how anyone can correct a loved one, that's why I left you to your fate. U don't need anybody to tell you how much I love u, but only God knows best. I will miss u, Olivia Sun Nicole will miss u, Anasoh Hope will miss u, your siblings will miss u, your mum and dad will miss u, your friends and loved ones will miss u. I call u MIMI, u call me UNCLE DICE, the world calls u Mercy Ada Jesus . I pray that the almighty God grant u a smooth and painless transition according to his WILL amen!
Your uncle.


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