" Check Out The Festival in Spain Where People Believe Satan Takes Away The Sins Of Newborn Babies - Flavourway

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Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Check Out The Festival in Spain Where People Believe Satan Takes Away The Sins Of Newborn Babies

Just as they are different locations in the world today, they are so many beliefs, religious and traditional practices in the world as well. In as much as some of these practices may seem strange to people, they are what the inhabitants of the world believe in and live by. For centuries a festival known as El Colacho has been celebrated in Spain and the practice still goes on till today. The ritual involves men dressing up as the devil an jumping over newborn babies. The festival is celebrated during spring by the Catholics in Spain. With men in red and yellow costume leaping over babies laid on mattresses on the streets of Castrillo de Murcia, a medieval village near Burgos, Spain. It is believed that as the men who dressed like devil jumps over the kids, their sins are automatically taken away by him.

Just as they are different locations in the world today, they are so many beliefs, religious and traditional practices in the world as well. In as much as some of these practices may seem strange to people, they are what the inhabitants of the world believe in and live by.

For centuries a festival known as El Colacho has been celebrated in Spain and the practice still goes on till today. The ritual involves men dressing up as the devil an jumping over newborn babies.






The festival is celebrated during spring by the Catholics in Spain. With men in red and yellow costume leaping over babies laid on mattresses on the streets of Castrillo de Murcia, a medieval village near Burgos, Spain.




It is believed that as the men who dressed like devil jumps over the kids, their sins are automatically taken away by him.













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