" SHOCKING!!! Global Death Toll From Coronavirus Surpasses 1 Million - Flavourway


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Friday, October 2, 2020

SHOCKING!!! Global Death Toll From Coronavirus Surpasses 1 Million

 The number of global coronavirus deaths has exceeded 1 million.


Cases recorded have passed 33.5 million. The United States is the worst hit with over 7.3 million cases and 209,000 deaths.

Brazil has nearly 4.75 million cases, with 142,000 deaths.

There are more than 6.1 million cases in India and 96,000 fatalities.

On Tuesday, figures by Johns Hopkins University and Worldometers confirmed the 7-figure death toll.

The pandemic was first recorded in Wuhan, China.

The U.S. and China clashed last week at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

President Donald Trump, in his pre-recorded video message, called COVID-19 the “China virus” for the umpteenth time.

He insisted that all counties must hold them accountable for unleashing “this plague onto the world”.

“In the earliest days of the virus, China locked down travel domestically while allowing flights to leave China and infect the world”,

Trump said.

The American leader reiterated that China and the World Health Organisation (WHO) “deliberately misled” the world on the mode of transmission.

Zhang Jun, Chinese ambassador to the UN, fired back, adding that China would not be cowed by America’s “bully tactics”.

“We strongly and totally reject the baseless accusation against China. No matter what others say, we support multilateralism and the UN to play its central role in international affairs,”

Jun said.

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