" Remember The Student That Proposed To His Babe After WAEC Exam? This Is What Happened To Him (Now) - Flavourway

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Monday, September 21, 2020


Remember The Student That Proposed To His Babe After WAEC Exam? This Is What Happened To Him (Now)

 Due to Corona virus outbreak, government proposed Waec exam should be written next year but pressure from parents and different organizations, the exam was later written in August instead of April, the month slated for waec exam annually. The students that thought their fate have been postponed were happy to start the exam and when they were through,they were over joyous.

They tried different stunts that have never been done by ssce students; they did sign out like university graduates, they went for photoshoot, parted recklessly that one doubted if they are truly underage. They tried some illicit things that are beyond their stage, they were spotted drinking beer and some other things.



Among these stunts that were tried by these recent secondary school leavers is a marriage proposal. A male student was spotted proposing to his girlfriend after their exam. Their Photos went viral then. Everybody was reacting to this. To some people it makes sense, some said they should let them flex that they just finished one stage of education,it is worth celebrating while some people see it as stupid thing. They even said it is a sign of moral decadence in our society and sanity needs to be restored. 



What happened to them!

Fews days after the proposal, the girl's father called up the police and the boy who proposed to his daughter was arrested.



The police and the girl with her father stormed the boy's home, he was shocked to see them, he started pleading but he was carried away in tricycle brought by the police. The girl was helpless so was the boy.



The father seems to be a disciplined man, from the photo, it shows he doesn't take nonsense. He didn't even listen to the pleading of the boy as the police were dragging him into the vehicle.




This is incredible. People thought these children are independent that is why they tried what they did. 


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