" 3 Ways To Get Your Prayers Answered By God - Flavourway


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Monday, August 31, 2020

3 Ways To Get Your Prayers Answered By God

1. Let your intentions be pure
When you make a request to God don't make the reason be about your selfish desires e.g Father, give me a car so I can pepper my friends. Lord, I'm sowing my samsung phone so I can get an iPhone and show my friends I have arrived. Your intentions should be pure, virtuous and genuine. James 4:3, warned against this and said,When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
Remember, God sees your innermost heart. No one can deceive God.

2. Let his Kingdom come through your intentions.
When you make your petitions, it is important to make it serve the purposes of God in earth. A classic example is Hannah.(1 Sàm 1:9-28) Hannah cried and prayed for a child and she got none. But, when she cried and said Father, give me a child and I will dedicate his life to you. God was touched and answered her prayers. Why? God needed a genuine servant to take over Eli since his sons have failed him. Hannah brought an interesting proposition that will make his will to be done and he gave her a son and more children when she fulfilled her promise.
Whenever Jesus prayed he always added sayings like Father, let your kingdom come,let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Father, perform this miracle for your name to be Glorified. Prayers should always be about the Glory of God not you.
When you want your intention answered, bring up interesting propositions to God e.g Father, give me this contract and I will buy chairs for a church for your children to worship you in comfort. Father, please give me triplets, so I will get done with this stage and start serving my role in the church. Father, give me a job in this company, so I can Evangelise and preach your name to the unbelieving staff, I also promise to act as a good Christian and not partake in fraud. Father, please give me a good phone, so I can setup a YouTube page to proclaim your name. Remember, anything you promise endeavor to fulfill. Never, make the mistake of not fulfilling the promise you made to God.
Thoughts and prayers: miracles, Christianity and praying for rain
3. Stand on existing covenants
God made a covenant to Solomon that he would answer the prayer of anyone who prayed facing the temple in Jerusalem. 2 Chron 6:21, I am your servant, and the people of Israel belong to you, and so whenever any of us look toward this temple and pray, answer from your home in heaven and forgive our sins.
Daniel been an intelligent jew, understood the power of this covenant and when he prayed he always faced the temple from faraway Babylon!! Dan 6:10 says, Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.
Whether you believe this or not there are genuine churches whose altars have become a place of covenant for some particular needs. Some churches have a covenant that any barren woman that prays there will carry her child, some have for prosperity, long life etc. Not only churches, there are certain spirit-filled individuals, both clergy and non-clergy, who's covenants with God can open the heavens for your sake. Seek these people and places as the Spirit directs you and pray with faith on their covenants.

Hope this message blessed you? Also remember to pray persistently. Jesus taught this mystery in Luke 18:1-8, with the starting note.Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray for just causes and not give up. Daniel prayed for 21 days before he got his answer, and he would have continued if it was delayed. Keep praying until something happens. Shalom.

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