Brazil's Dangerous Female Criminals Hold Beauty Pageant
The only maximum security women’s jail in Rio de Janeiro holds some of Brazil’s most dangerous female criminals but once a year, they’re allowed to swap their prison uniforms for high heels and glamorous gowns as they hold a beauty pageant on the inside.
Brazil's Dangerous Female Criminals Hold Beauty Pageant
These most dangerous female criminals in Brazil wore high heels and dressed for a beauty pageant inside maximum security jail.
Ten inmates walked along a makeshift catwalk on Wednesday after having their hair and make-up done at the Talavera Bruce jail known for fights and riots.
Brazil's Dangerous Female Criminals Hold Beauty Pageant
In the event to improve their self esteem, they were judged on their beauty, appeal and attitude as the prison’s other 440 inmates and relatives applauded.
Brazil's Dangerous Female Criminals Hold Beauty Pageant
This year’s Miss Talavera Bruce was 29-year-old Mayana Alves, who had seven arrest warrants when she was arrested in 2015 for cargo theft.
‘Everyone is very glad to be with their family, she said. ‘Walking the catwalk, I was nervous but happy at the same time. She added: ‘I just wish I had won my freedom as well and could my sash with me out of here.’
Brazil's Dangerous Female Criminals Hold Beauty Pageant
Last year’s winner Michelle Rangel, a 28-year-old drug trafficker, said: ‘During this moment, I don’t feel like I am in jail. My soul is freed.
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