" The Bliss Of Presidency; See The 7 Things Joe Biden Stand To Gain After Defeating Donald Trump. - Flavourway


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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Bliss Of Presidency; See The 7 Things Joe Biden Stand To Gain After Defeating Donald Trump.

 Investment opportunities to consider after Biden's election win

Jubilation and celebration is still ongoing in the streets of America. America who went all out to decide who governs them in the next four years have finally decided. Joe Biden's victory implied that their would be a shift in power from the Republican leadership to the Democratic leadership. All things been equal, the President-elect, Joe Biden would be sworn in into office come 20th January, 2021.


Being the president of America or any other great nation comes a lot of good tidings and incentives attached, and as Joe Biden ascend to take the mantle of leadership, here are seven things he would benefit from as the President of America.


1. Unique Private Jets


As history would have it, anyone who wins the race to become the president of America, would be offered private jets which are uniquely made and they are referred to as Air Force One. These jets are constructed and designed in such a way that they provides a perfect safety records and can withstand the electromagnetic pulse from a nuclear detonation. It's fair to say that everywhere is stew for Joe Biden.


Each of these aircrafts consist of 85 telephones, and 19 televisions. The jets was also designed uniquely that it could even be refueled while it's in motion.


Inside each jets there exist a personal suite for the president with an office, bedroom, gym and a rest room. There is also a doctor and operating theatre on board in case of an unforeseen circumstance.


I'm pretty sure Joe Biden would enjoy flying across the globe with this unique jet with Donald Trump had enjoyed.


2. Driving Around With The Beast


The official vehicle giving to the president of America when they are sworn in is dubbed as "the Beast". The vehicle is designed in such a way that bullets can't penetrate in and the wheels can even keep on rolling even when punctured. This is just amazing.


This special vehicle consist of rocket-propelled grenades, a tear gas cannon, pump-action shotguns and an armored fuel tank.


If you think that's all, you are definitely wrong and you need to read on. The Beast also contains oxygen supply, firefighting function and a supply of the President’s blood type in case of emergency. Won't you love such kind of car?


3. Living in The White House


The dignified and awesome White house is the place where the American president resides and it consists of 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, wings and grand halls. Donald Trump will no longer enjoy the 24/7 security, personal chefs, and ushers at his beck and call.


There is also a provision of a tennis court, a bowling alley, a jogging track, a swimming pool, and a family movie theatre at the The White House.


4. Living in the Blair House


For those who don't know much about the US presidency, the Blair house is the official state guest house for the president. The Blair house is 70,000 square feet larger than the White House-more.


It consist of over 100 rooms, which includes over 20 bedrooms strictly meant for guests and staff, 35 bathrooms, four dining rooms, a gym, a hair salon, and a flower shop.


5. Enjoying Life in Camp David


Camp David is a retreat for the president of the America. This place serves as a quick getaway for the president.


Joe Biden would surely enjoy the bliss of prisidency, with so many recreational activities for him to partake in. In Igbo language, we call such scenario as "I nó na ofe".


6. A Six-figure Salary


The election of Joe Biden as the 46th president would see him earn an annual stipend of $400,000 (N154,million) annually salary. Aside his annual stipend, he is also going to earn $19,000 (N7.2 million) as entertainment allowance, yearly expense allowance of $50,000 (N19 million) and a travel allowance of $100,000 (N38 million). This is just too good.


7. Specially made briefcase


Joe Biden's election as the 46th president of America would see him enjoy the benefit of a specially made and unique briefcase. This briefcase is not just leather, Its a weapon. There is a device inside the briefcase that can allow the president activate a nuclear attack anywhere in the world. This truth is indeed stranger than fiction I know.


Which of these things Do you think Joe Biden would enjoy the most as the President of America?

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