" 8 Reasons to Say "No" to Excessive Drinking of Alcohol (See photos) - Flavourway

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Monday, September 21, 2020


8 Reasons to Say "No" to Excessive Drinking of Alcohol (See photos)

 Just because there's alcohol around, that doesn't mean you have to drink it—it's pretty easy to say no and drink some soda or something. But don't do it just because I said so. Do it because getting drunk could make your night (and possibly a lot of nights after it) a whole lot worse. Here are 10 reasons why.




1- You Might Forget Your Night



When you’ve overloaded your system with alcohol, your brain shorts out and everything goes into panic mode. It’s your body’s way of trying to shut everything down.

2- Drunk Pics Can Do Major Damage



As a rule of thumb, you should never post anything online that you wouldn't want a potential employer to see. A picture of you holding a beer may no longer be as big of an issue as it used to be, repeated photos showing you obviously intoxicated doesn't make a great first impression. And that alone can kill your chances at getting a new job.

3- The Drunk Dial



Make a phone call to (someone) while drunk, typically one that is embarrassing or foolish.

It is usually through talking but also applies to text messanging that is somehow embarrassing or absurd. One drunk-dials to emote, excoriate, declare, confide, or proposition, often at a grossly inappropriate hour. The best drunk dials are those whose purpose is to either insult or get back together with an ex.

4- Sober People Think You Look Dumb



Alcohol plays a dirty trick on you: it can make you feel more confident and cool, when to outside observers you're slowly turning into a slurring, stumbling, red-faced mess. And if you pass out from drinking, you've basically transformed from an intelligent human being into a canvas for Sharpies and whatever other gross stuff people want to put on you. Do you want to look like yourself, or do you want to look like one of these sorry people?

5- Drinking and Driving is Idiotic



Drinking and driving facts are sobering: Drunk drivers kill and injure thousands of people each year, and children are injured at a disproportionate rate compared to adults. 

Driving while intoxicated or impaired by any substance, legal or illegal, is against the law. This includes driving while taking narcotic prescription medicatio

6- You'll Almost Definitely Do Something You'll Regret



The more you drink, the worse your judgment is, and the more likely you'll do stupid stuff that you'll hate yourself for tomorrow (or even for the rest of your life). It might be something minor like a drunk dial or a fight with a friend...or something major like unprotected sex, a tattoo, trusting your life to a drunk driver or losing your virginity to a stranger. Everyone who's been dumb enough to get wasted has a horror story.

7- Every Time You Drink, Your Brain Dies a Little



Alcohol doesn't kill brain cells, but it does have both short- and long-term effects on your brain, even in moderate amounts. Going out for happy hour a few nights a month likely won't cause any long-term damage. But if you find yourself drinking heavily or binge drinking often, consider reaching out for help.

8- You Could Die (Yes, Really)



Drinking a large amount of alcohol will affect many parts of your body and can kill you.

Alcoholism can and does kill. Not only can it lead to premature death, but excessive drinking can significantly diminish your quality of life as well. Abusing alcohol, particularly over the long term, can impact every part of your body, including your heart. When you binge drink, it can lead to problems ranging from high blood pressure to heart failure.

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