" Accord Party’s Imumolen wins more supporters after New Year message - Flavourway


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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Accord Party’s Imumolen wins more supporters after New Year message


A cross-section of Nigerians were impressed when Accord Party (AP) presidential candidate, Professor Christopher Imumolen unveiled his 2023 election masterplan in a live broadcast to the nation on New Year’s Day.

The youngest flagbearer chose the most auspicious moment to rouse citizens in the mood of festivities to the crucial nature of his quest for the presidency.

Imumolen outlined his plans to take Nigeria out of her present condition and redirect her to the path of sustainable growth and development.

In a moving speech which lasted half an hour, the academic touched on critical areas of the country’s economy that needed to be revamped in order to achieve the rapid development he envisaged if he gets elected as Nigeria’s president this year.

He lamented the abysmal depths the fortunes of the country, once seen as the pride of the black race, had sunk in virtually every area of the economic development index.

Imumolen vowed to effect a sharp turnaround in this dismal state of affairs in the shortest possible time if he gets the people’s mandate to become president.

“My party, Accord, and I are driven by the passion to change the narrative of inept leadership that has stunted our growth as a country for decades,” he said in front of party bigwigs, the media, renowned entrepreneurs and guests.

“We believe in the Nigerian project and are supremely committed to the vision of seeing the country and it’s people grow out of penury, darkness and joblessness by offering quality leadership that will restore confidence and hope in them,” he added.

Several social media users responded to the speech.

“Who be this guy, sef?”, Testimony Asegunmute said in reaction to Imumolen’s delivery.

“The Accord presidential candidate is answering questions intelligently,” said another watcher named Rawlings Lawani.

The broadcast is seen as a masterstroke considering how much it has resonated with the voting public who had their choices restricted to just a few out of the 18 candidates for the top job.

“I consider the broadcast to Nigerians as one of the smartest move a politician, especially one campaigning to be President, could have made on a day of festivities and one which symbolises newness, rebirth,” an analyst remarked.

“Apart from being novel, Professor Imumolen did a lot to open the eyes of the people to other options to choose from during this year’s presidential elections.

“And, contrary to widespread belief, Nigerians now know that they have a truly young, energetic, highly educated and passionate candidate like Professor Imumolen to vote for as an alternative if they so choose.

“I have no doubt that the young Professor has been able to adequately and successfully sell his candidacy to a new set of Nigerians who have now had the opportunity to see his quality and what he can do if allowed to become president,” he added.

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