" Breastfeeding in workplace: Role of parents, organization – Dr Chinny Obinwanne - Flavourway


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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Breastfeeding in workplace: Role of parents, organization – Dr Chinny Obinwanne


One of the major concerns of a working mother going back to work after her maternity leave is breastfeeding the baby. How will the mum keep up? How will her baby get the adequate nutrients he/she needs to thrive? In line with the theme of World Breastfeeding Week 2023, “Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a Difference for Working Parents’ The Milk Booster Limited: a breastfeeding solution company led by Dr Chinny Obinwanne is highlighting the Role organizations and parents can play to support breastfeeding.

 Some of the challenges faced by a breastfeeding mum returning back to work include lack of time to express breast milk. With hectic work schedules, it can be tough for mothers to find the time to express their breast milk regularly. Another challenge working mums face is that some workplaces do not have proper nursing rooms for breastfeeding mothers due to various reasons. As a result, some mothers resort to pumping their milk in the storeroom or office restroom. Pumping in the restroom is strongly discouraged as there could be a chance of milk contamination from these areas. Having unsupportive bosses is another challenge that working mums who breastfeeding face. Even if the workplace has facilities that can accommodate working mothers, many companies have not implemented flexible hours for their breastfeeding employees. Another challenge is change in lifestyle. Breastfeeding requires significant mental and emotional commitment as well as investment in time . Working mothers would have to sacrifice ‘me’ time to express milk or make extra efforts to take care of their baby.

Solutions to these challenges include having a discussion with your boss. Sit down and speak to your boss about your current situation and discuss if an alternative work arrangement or schedule is possible during this period. Another solution is the use of wearable pumps instead of the regular pumps. Wearable pumps can be used while working without people knowing that you are making use of it. Sometimes, bosses do not know the benefits and importance of breastfeeding. They could be unaware of the needs of a working mother. Mothers should play their part by voicing their struggles and letting their bosses know about the benefits of breastfeeding and the struggles they are facing.

Mothers can have a successful journey by planning towards their resumption. Mothers can start to build their breast milk stash from the second week of childbirth, get their breastfeeding accessories (pumps, storage bags) and lactation products necessary for pumping and storing even while at work. The milk booster wearable breast pumps take away the stress of multiple connecting tubes and give you all the privacy to pump even while working. This helps mothers to keep up with their demand so they do not see a decline in their milk supply. Always stay hydrated. Help your baby adjust to taking breast milk, from the bottle or cup, mothers are encouraged to offer pumped milk in or two feeding sessions while at home, and express breastmilk during the times your baby would normally eat when you are at home.

Organizations can also help mothers transition back to work smoothly by having flexible breaks and work options. Hybrid work or getting mother to close early will go a long way to support them. A Positive attitude from team lead and colleagues will encourage mothers to breastfeed more, uncut and unruly remarks about breastfeeding should be discouraged.

Organizations are also encouraged to create crèche and lactation rooms to enable mothers to bring in their babies and feed them during short breaks. It is not enough to have policies that support breastfeeding written down in our hand book. Organizations should ensure they are being implemented to encourage and support their employees who are breastfeeding.

Organizations that support breastfeeding mothers benefits, such as increased employee retention rates of high performing breastfeeding employees. Secondly, reduced absenteeism because breastfeeding employees’ babies get sick less often and less severely, another benefit is improved productivity because the mother is rest assured that her baby is receiving the required nutrients for their growth.

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