" Purportedly Abducted Girl Found With Torn Private Parts After Romps With Boy - Flavourway


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Saturday, January 28, 2023

Purportedly Abducted Girl Found With Torn Private Parts After Romps With Boy


A Ghanaian secondary school girl who has put the country on tenterhooks with a tale of being kidnapped by unknown men has been found in a severe condition.

She was, however, never kidnapped, but was engaging in sexual romps with her boyfriend.

The entire country had been gripped by the story of Lawrecia, a 14-year-old junior secondary school girl, who was believed to have been kidnapped by some bandits.

Her phone was used to demand a ransom, prompting many interest groups and the media to aggressively create awareness for the girl’s plight.

A few Ghanaians thought the kidnap story did not add up at the time, because there were gaps here and there in the tale.

The impression was given at some point that it was the kidnappers using her phone to communicate with Lawrencia’s mother. Then, later, Lawrencia, herself seemed to be the one chatting with her parents while in the so-called captivity.

A few observers queried how a victim of abduction could have access to her phone to chat after her captors had first used it to link up with the family.

The saga has now come to an anti-climax with the confession of the schoolgirl that she was not kidnapped by anyone. She had been in her boyfriend’s room the whole time.

She has now come clean that she was with her boyfriend having a nice time for five days until she fell sick and the boyfriend panicked because he was broke and could not afford medical bills to take care of her. More so, information about her missing had spread widely.

He reportedly pushed her out and told her to go to her parents’ house, but the girl could not because of the lie she had told that she was abducted.

She said she decided to sleep in the bush near her parents’ home where she was later found nearly unconscious and rushed to the hospital, where a series of tests were carried out on her.

Doctor’s report indicated that her private parts were damaged apparently during vigorous sex with her boyfriend.

Further information from the hospital indicated that severe tears in her vagina and rectum had to be stitched.

The boyfriend has absconded from his room and is being sought by the police.

Oyerepa FM has been following the case from the beginning. In a video clip now online, the radio showcased the schoolgirl on the hospital bed where she narrated what really happened.


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