" 4 Animal That Can Out Run A Cheetah In A Race - Flavourway


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Sunday, October 18, 2020

4 Animal That Can Out Run A Cheetah In A Race

 Can a Human Outrun a Cheetah? | Wonderopolis

Good evening everyone,how was your day today,hope you had a great and fulfilled day,we all know cheetahs are extremely fast, that's why the are considered the world fastest animal on land but that's not actually true.


Cheetahs, of course, are built to run faster than humans, regularly clocking speeds of up to around 60 miles per hour (96.5 kilometers per hour). During a photo shoot with National Geographic Magazine, a cheetah from the Cincinnati Zoo named Sarah covered 100 meters and clocked a peak speed of 61 mph (98 kph).


Some animals like Pronghorn Antelope are faster than a cheetah, Pronghorn can reach top speeds of around 55 mph and can run at a steady clip of 30 mph for over 20 miles! For comparison with the other fastest land animal, cheetahs can reach speeds of over 60 mph but only for sprints of about 700 yards,in today's article I will be showing you 4 animals that can out run a cheetah in a race..


1) Brown Hare.


The European hare, also known as the brown hare, is a species of hare native to Europe and parts of Asia. It is among the largest hare species and is adapted to temperate, open country.


The brown hare is known for its long, black-tipped ears and fast running - it can reach speeds of 45mph when evading predators.


2) Pronghorn Antelope.


After studying pronghorns for 14 years on the National Bison Range in Montana, one researcher says he has the answer. The scientist, Dr. John A. Byers of the University of Idaho in Moscow, says the pronghorn runs as fast as it does because it is being chased by ghosts -- the ghosts of predators past.


3) Horses.


Horses are special creatures. They are majestic, strong and can display a broad range of emotions. Whether they're around humans or other horses, they are amazingly communicative and thrive in social settings. These qualities are part of the reason why horses can develop such a strong bond with humans.


Over an extended distance the horse can outrun the cheetah. But nothing surpasses this cat in short sprints: it can accelerate from 0 to 45 mph (0 to 72 kph) in 2 seconds.


4) Hippopotamus.


In Africa, hippos, of all large animals, are the biggest killers of humans, far more so than lions. Hippos are relatives of the horse so they can run as fast as horses, it's incredible.


Though they are bulky animals, hippos can gallop at 30 km/h (19 mph) on land but normally trot.


What do you think about these animals can they actually out run a cheetah in a race?

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