" Men, No Matter How Poor You Are. Don't Ever Do These Five Type Of Jobs To Make Money - Flavourway


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Monday, September 21, 2020

Men, No Matter How Poor You Are. Don't Ever Do These Five Type Of Jobs To Make Money



Poverty, the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. Poverty is said to exist when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs. In this context, the identification of poor people first requires a determination of what constitutes basic needs.


Being poor is like a big sickness affecting both the body, brain and mind.


A poor man can think of numerous ways to make money at that very state even to the extent of endangering his own life.


This is the reason you see people everyday commiting all manner of crimes all in the name of stepping out of poverty without even thinking of the consequences over.

Situations place a demand for you to think and plan but not to think and plan evil or to commit crime inorder to make money, it pays to do legal work or business than the illegal ones because when you are caught, the consequences is way too big to bear alone.

I have decided to bring out a comprehensive list of the type of job you should never do no matter how poor you are so keep on reading.

1 Number one on my list today is Armed robbery. Armed robbery is a state of picking up arms and ammunition inform of Gun or axed to steal from people in a brutal way.



This is Avery bad type of job you should engage yourself as you might get caught by the legal forces and the law will bring you to book.

By virtue of the provisions of the Criminal Code Act, the applicable law in this instant case, Sections 401 and 402 state:


(1) any person who commits the offence of robbery shall upon conviction be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than 21 years.


(a)any offender mentioned in subsection (1) of this section is armed with any firearms or any offensive weapon or any obnoxious or chemical materials or is in company with any person so armed; or

(b)at or immediately before or immediately after the time of robbery, the said offender wounds any person, the offender shall upon conviction be sentenced to death.

The punishment for such offender is clearly stated and this is one of the main reason you should stay clear from this type of job.

How will you feel when you are caught and sentenced to death or 21 years imprisonment leaving your families behind?

2. The number two in my list today is Kidnaping.



As the name apply, Kidnaping is a deliberate use of force to nap someone suppressing them of their power and will for ransoms purpose.

The Criminal Code Act, CAP C38, LFN 2004, also provides a penalty for kidnapping. The law provides in Section 364 that –

“Any person who –

1. Unlawfully imprisons any person, and takes him out of Nigeria without his consent; or

2. Unlawfully imprisons any person within Nigeria in such a manner as to prevent him from applying to a court for his release or from discovering to any other person the place where he is imprisoned, or in such a manner as to prevent any person entitled to have access to him from discovering the place where he is imprisoned,

Is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for ten years. “

This is another big crime you shouldn't involve yourself when you are poor and looking for a way to break out and make money.

The punishment for this too is very severe

3. Then number three here is Ritualist.

Without being told, you are meant to understand that Ritualist is murder.

This is regarded as Kidnaping and killing of a person or individual in a sacred manner to acquire wealth.

This can be first degree murder or second degree murder depending on the state of the crime.

The punishment is death sentence according to the Nigeria constitution which state that

4. Internet fraudster is my number four type of job you shouldn't do when you are poor.



Internet fraudster is a person who use deceptive way to steal money or credit card information on the internet from another internet user.

Under the Cybercrime Act 2015 in Nigeria, hackers, if found guilty, of unlawfully accessing a computer system or network, are liable to a fine of up to N10 million or a term of imprisonment of 5 years (depending on the purpose of the hack).

This is a big crime under the federal law and it is a prison sentence for any offender.

You should avoid this type of job too because your life truly matter.

5. Child or Human trafficking.



As this is clear and well stated, child or Human trafficking is a deliberate act of Kidnaping or forceful abduction of a child or Human and sold out to another person who is the buyer for the purpose of either slavery, prostitution or ritual.

This is a second degree murder the the offender usually face the heavy wrath of the law of caught.

Don't go into such business as this is termed illegal and punishable by law.

The law's prescribed penalties of five years' imprisonment and/or a $670 fine for labor trafficking, 10 years' imprisonment for trafficking of children for forced begging or hawking, and 10 years to life imprisonment for sex trafficking are sufficiently stringent and commensurate with penalties prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape

You are poor now does not mean you will remain poor forever, just stand to your feet and look for something legally doing.

Don't jeopadise your life or future by doing illegal job all in the name of looking for money and breaking out of poverty.

Your life and freedom might be cut short and all will be gone within a twinkle of an eye blink.

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