" How and when did Nepal end up being with China? SeyiXam - Flavourway


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Friday, September 18, 2020

How and when did Nepal end up being with China? SeyiXam


China's silent foray into Nepal

I Don't understand why every time this Indian thinks that Nepal as their Indian states. For your kind concern Nepal has been around for more than Thousand years. India calls Nepal younger brother but the reality is present India is younger than Nepal.

Nepal is a sovereign country, it has its own constitution, own rules and own ruler. Whether it get attached to China or india its their choices. See the map above, it lies between China and India 'the two giant '. In fact Nepal is called a buffer zone or bridge connecting these two large nations. Nepal has been trading and has established good relationship with India. Almost 70% of import and export takes place from India and to the India.

The relationship between Nepal and India was fine until 2015 when India took the benefits by imposing unofficial blockade back in 2015 when the country promulgated its new constitution stating that it didn't fulfilled Indian demand of right to Citizenship and right to rule the country by naturalized citizen. India is and has always taken advantage over Nepal and has always bullied this small neighbors. See some of the pictures below when India imposed blockade on Nepal:

India calls Nepal a brother. In fact they are brothers. They share same religion, similar languages, similar face and similar culture but what type of neighbors does this when they were suffering from devastating earthquake of 2015 that killed 10 thousand People. Instead of giving helping hands they shut the door to Nepalese citizen and India did violated international law for right to access sea and ports to landlocked country. But everything changed when China the Northern neighbor of Nepal opened its gate to access Chinese port and fuel to Nepalese. See some of the pictures below:

This priceless help at the time of difficulty made Nepalese realized that It should further strengthen relationship with China to counter its bullying behaviour of India and do a balanced trade with both of its neighbor.


So during the state visit of Nepalese prime minister KP Sharma oil to China , Nepal and China signed 10 separate agreements and Memorandums of Understanding on using northern neighbor's sea port facility, building a regional international airport in Pokhara and exploring the possibilities of signing a bilateral free trade agreement and finding oil and gas reserves in Nepal. Furthermore , Nepal and china agreed to import petroleum and natural gas 33% from China and 67% from India. To further make viable option to import from Chinese port , China is currently constructing railway track from shigatse to rasuwagadhi of Nepal. It is also studying to connect Capital kathmandu with Beijing and Shanghai. These trade deal infuriated New Delhi, and they made a fake propaganda against Nepal and China stating Nepal is now Chinese puppet. Having trade deal with its neighbors is considered puppet and Beijing trap by Indian because they will no longer able to bully Nepal once it ties stronger relationships with China.


India - Nepal relationship further Damaged when India Approved new map which consisted of disputed Territory Kalapani and lipulekh claimed by Nepal in its Map. Nepal and Nepalese strongly rejected New Delhi's new map and pressurized the Nepalese government to make new map consisting real Nepalese territory.


On the one hand Nepalese protested for Indian map in Kathmandu while on the other hand India accused China of using Nepal against India creating unnecessary boarder conflict. Even though Chinese influence is increasing in Nepal but China was never presented in the printing of New map of Nepal. After a months Nepal unveiled new political map with its Indian controlled territory such as lipulekh, kalapani and limpyadhura. The map was welcomed and supported and even approved by the parliamentary of Nepal.


To hide and shut the Nepalese India even made fake news stating China occupied seven Nepalese village of Nepal. But those village were traded to china during 1961 Boarder agreement between China and Nepal. During the agreement, The village such as Rui and Tegu went on to Chinese side and other Tibetan village came to Nepal. The people of Rui village were offered Chinese Citizenship and settle peacefully in china but they denied the offer and same was done by Tibetan. Due to the boarder agreement, Nepal thus gained additional 490 square kilometres of land and full control of Mount Everest. Right now there is no Boarder dispute between Nepal and China and the news about Chinese encroaching Nepalese territory was fake propaganda spread by Indian Media.


So until this day, India accused China for using Nepal against India but India never accepts the fact that it has actually encroached Nepalese land in almost every location. Nepal’s border with India is over 1,808 kilometres and disputes exist in at least 54 different places. Boundary markers at numerous of points have disappeared. In addition, the 10-yard wide strip of no man’s land between the two countries is getting blurred (often times occupied by the Indians) day by day. According to the reports prepared by Buddhi Narayan Shrestha an well-known border expert and former Surveyor General of Nepal, India has encroached about 59,970 hectares of Nepali territory at 54 points in 21 districts adjoining India in the East, West and South.


As stated above, India has encroached Nepalese territory in numerous areas. However, the encroachment by India in the Kalapani-Limpiyadhura area with 372 sq km (37,800 hectares) is the largest chunk of Nepalese territory. The encroachment was initiated immediately after the China-India border war of November 1962. After facing the humiliating defeat at the hands of the Chinese Red Army, the Indian army set up a camp inside Nepal's territory of Kalapani to keep an eye on Chinese activities. Having occupied it for many years, India now claims that the area belongs to India.


India thinks China occupied Akshai Chin and ladakh in fact China did but when Nepal speaks same to India that it occupies Kalapani and lipulekh, Indian Sides clearly rejects the claim and accused China for all this. India thinks where were Nepalese when Kalapani was under control for 200 years but where were you when China was constructing highway from Xinjiang to Ladakh and Tibet to Akshai Chin?

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