" Do You Know That Our Birth Months Are Named After Roman gods? Checkout The Meaning Of All Months - Flavourway



Sunday, September 27, 2020

Do You Know That Our Birth Months Are Named After Roman gods? Checkout The Meaning Of All Months


How did the month names originate? - Education Today News

The names of our birth months were derived from Roman gods, prominent leaders, festivals, and numbers. Originally the Romans had there first calendar starting with March not January, and it had only ten months. But I will like to give a little explanation on how calendars came into existence.


The first calendar was derived by king Romulus, he named the first month Martius(March), after his legendary father Mars, the god of war. Next was Aprilis, Maius, and Junius. The second king of Rome, Numa named two additional months, Januarius and Februarius. This we have today as January and February. 


When Julius Caesar became the ruler of the Roman Empire, he reformed the Romulus calendar, so that all the months could be based on how earth revolve around the sun. And this is how the solar calendar came into existence. He also made January as the beginning of the year followed by February due to their significance. 


But years later, Julius Caesar's calendar was reformed by pope Gregory. Gregory claimed Caesar's calendar had some abnormalities, and this is how the Gregorian calendar came into existence. Below are the names of months and what god they represent. 


* In Roman mythology, January was named after Janus, the god of beginnings and endings. According to Greek mythology he was known for having two faces, each having it significant purpose. One face depicting towards the past and the other towards the future. Due to this fact Julius Caesar made January as the first month of the year. 


* February was named after ferbrualia, a time period when sacrifices were made to atone sins to prepare for spring. During the festival houses were cleaned with salt, and young men would be wearing only goat skin cape. 


*March was named after the legendary warrior and the god war. Mars was retarded as the greatest warrior amongst prominent military gods by the Romans, hence he was considered god of war. 


*April signifies the time for plants to grow. 


*May was named after Maia the goddess of the growth of plants, and was responsible for smooth agricultural growths in the land. 


*June was named after the goddess of war for women and marriage.


*July was named to honor Julius Caesar after his death. 


*August was named to honor the first emperor Augustus Caesar who was the grand nephew of Julius Caesar. 


* September means seven in Latin. 


*October or octo in Latin, means eight 


*November or Novem in Latin, means nine. 


*December or Decem in Latin, means ten.


So which of the god/goddess is representing your birth month? Or are you among the number months?

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