" The World's Pain Is Coming To An End Soon - Flavourway


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Sunday, August 23, 2020

The World's Pain Is Coming To An End Soon

The intense pain of the world is an indication that the womb of the heavens is pregnant with something spectacular that will imprint true smile on the faces of the people residing in the earth.

God is very much aware of the unpleasant things going on in the world (brought about by sin and disobedience to His loving instructions). In spite of it all, in spite of the rise of sin and sinners with their wicked and evil works, God won't stop loving the earth He created, and He remain eager to install true peace and pleasantness in the earth realm.

God is raising people (His own sons and daughters) from the nations of the world, and He is molding them into divine solution-carriers which He will use to solve some of the myriad of problems the world is facing - talk about poverty, sickness, bad governance, untimely death, unemployment, all manner of negative addictions, and so on. These sons and daughters of YAHWEH (who must have made the genuine decision to surrender their totality to GOD), will be placed in strategic positions, sectors and industries. They will be duly empowered by God, will start operating in an enhanced level of power and intelligence, and their activities and efforts will lessen the pains of the world to an extent - with the aim of bringing more people into the kingdom of God.

However, the ultimate and perfect solution to the world's problems will be experienced when Jesus Christ returns with His Saints, to establish His utopian rule on earth. Until the perfect God will return to establish His perfect Kingdom here, the earth will continue to experience unpleasantness and pain - since it is currently controlled by imperfect and fallen humans.

You should note that before Jesus Christ will return to establish His reign on earth for a season, the Rapture will first take place. The rapture is the next big event that will transport genuine and true children of God (both dead and living) to the presence of Christ in the skies, where we will, among other superb things, participate in a feast known as the Marriage Feast of the Lamb.

Nevertheless, immediately after the rapture, the Great Tribulation will begin, and the Antichrist will be given power to torment those left behind. The Antichrist will force people to receive the mark of the beast (666) either on their forehead or arm. Those that won't receive it would be vehemently tormented: They won't be able to buy and sell, they will suffer violent persecutions with no one to help. And according to the graphic illustration given by the Lord Jesus about the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15-28), many won't be able to withstand the torments for long (that is, they can't help but to receive the mark of the beast) BUT: THOSE THAT WILL RECEIVE THE MARK OF THE BEAST WILL BE ETERNALLY DAMNED IN THE LAKE OF FIRE AT THE APPOINTED TIME.

Hence, wisdom demands that everyone of us should understand the signs and know that this is the time to get closer to God and establish a true and sincere individual relationship with Him. This is the time to forsake our sinful ways and start serving God in spirit and in truth. This is the time to embrace the Lordship of Christ, and make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.

If you are yet to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, simply do so now. Call upon His Name wherever you are, ask Him to come into Your life, and you will be saved! You will be happier if you forsake your current sinful lifestyle, as your holy relationship with God (your Creator) will empower you to have dominion over everything He has created (which is the Will of God for you).

You only start living and enjoying life only after you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.

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