" Six Things A Christian Should Never Do - Tunde Korede - Flavourway


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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Six Things A Christian Should Never Do - Tunde Korede

The Word “Christian” is not an emblem. It is the name given to the real followers of Jesus Christ. There are many who professed to be Christians today, yet, they are nothing but unbelievers.

Christians are expected to possess Christ-like character. They are supposed to be representatives of Christ on earth. They are supposed to possess certain qualities that set them apart from unbelievers.

However, there are certain qualities that are repugnant to Christ-like character. Also, there are things a good Christian should never do. Come with me as I highlight and expound them one after the other.

Six Things A Good Christian Should Never Do
• Never Hate

1 John 2:9,11
[9]He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
[11]But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.

Your Christian living is faulty if you have certain people you hate. If you have developed deep hatred towards certain people whom God created, you are not a good Christian.

More so, the lifeblood of Christianity is love and no true believer should hate any human being. The Bible says you abide in darkness, if you hate people.

No matter what others have done for you, the word, “Hatred” should not be found in you anymore. We are commanded to love everyone. You are not to love believers and hate unbelievers.

God loves the World and He gave us His only begotten son. That’s the kind of love every Christian should possess. God expects us to love all men, irrespective of their belief, lifestyle, exposure, tribe, or nationality.

So, one of the things a Christian should never do is to hate people. Hatred is true mark of our fellowship with the devil – darkness. The true mark of a believer is love.

• A Good Christian Should Never Hold Grudges Against Anyone
Ephesians 4:31
[31]LET ALL BITTERNESS, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

Biblically, every believer is to put away every from of malice. How can you call yourself a Christian and find it easier to hold grudges against people?

Grudge is a deep-seated and/or long-term animosity or ill-feeling about something or someone. It may be because of a past bad deed or mistreatment.

Definitely, people will offend us. They will do specific things that will incite us against them. But a good believer will not keep malice with them. We are to love them for who they are.

Candidly, if you are referred to as a Christian. And you love to hold grudges against people, my dear, you are not a true Christian. Because a true Christian is to put away malice.

Today, forgive that person who have offended you. Start greeting him/her if he/she isn’t greeting you. End your dispute today. Who knows when Jesus will come back? Nobody.

Once again, a true Christian will never hold grudges against his fellow. Hence, he forgiven them irrespective of the levity of the sin.

Wrong Reasons For Fasting

• Don’t Use Your Tongue Wrongly
James 1:26
[26]If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.

You may be the type who attends Church from Sunday to the next Sunday. But whenever you come back home, you use your tongue wrongly. The Bible says your religion (Christianity) is false.

Hence, a good believer should be able to bring his tongue under subjects. You should be able to keep your mouth shut at times. And you should know when to talk.

People will doubt your testimony of salvation if you speak foul words. Believers should steer clear of corrupt communication such as abusive language, curses are coarse jesting.

Also, if you are able to control your tongue, you are a perfect man (James 3:2). Don’t allow your tongue to control you as a believer.

Indeed, as a good Christian, there are some things you should never say. There are words that should never come out of your mouth.

Weigh your words. Don’t just talk. Represent Christ well on earth by bringing your tongue to subjection.

• Refusal To Forgive People
Ephesians 4:32
[32]And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Refusal to forgive people when they offend you is a sign of false Christianity. Christianity is a religion of love. And if you love your neighbors, you will forgive them.

Check yourself if there is any root of bitterness in you. Anytime you find it difficult to forgive people, you are portraying yourself as an unbeliever.

Those who fail to forgive others, will not be forgiven by God. We all make mistakes and we fall short of God’s glory at times. Yet, God forgives us.

Then, who are you not to forgive all men? Any man can offend you. So, be prepared for it. As they offend you, forgive them.

• Never Ignore The Need Of Others
James 2:15-17
[15]If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
[16]And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
[17]Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

Every believer is to authenticate his belief in God through works. Show me a Christian without works and I will show you an irresponsible believer.

Let your good works speak for you. It’s unfair for you to see the needy and neglect them. If you have truly given your life to Christ. The Love in you will compel you to give to others.

Who are those in need around you? The best way to display your Christianity to them is by helping them. For faith without works is dead.

Sadly, there are innumerable wealthy Christians today, who hoard their wealth to themselves alone. They do not care about the wellbeing of others.

Yet, they boast and show off their wealth to people in order to impress them. Even an average believer would tell you that, he/she will start giving when he/she become stinking rich.

Many of us have failed in this aspect. Let’s forget about giving to receive more. The nature in us should compel us to change lives. If we give in order to receive, it means we are selfish.

Let’s change and start helping people right now. Start from where you are right now. Don’t wait until you are too wealthy.

• Never Forget The Rapture
James 5:7
Therefore be patient, brethren, until the COMING OF THE LORD, The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains.

Sadly, many who professed to be Christians have forgotten the coming of our Lord. If you ask an average Christian what he/she is expecting today.

He/she will say he/she is expecting to be rich. This is wrong as riches will perish with this world. We should fix our hopes on eternity things not on earthly things.

I hope this blessed you? Please, make sure you leave a comment after reading. Let me know your thought.

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